Thank You Jayne Nelson
Hero Arts
We have been so grateful to have Jayne Nelson as part of the Hero Arts Creative Team for over two years. We have enjoyed having her on the team as she has created many beautiful and inspiring projects. Sadly, she will no longer be part of the team in 2018. We asked other members of the team to share one of their favorite projects of Jayne's during her time on the team. First up is Michelle....
One of my favourite projects of Jayne's is this weather card. She made it as part of the February 2017 My Monthly Hero release. I was in awe of it then and I still am! Jayne's use of colours, textures, dimension and amazing design just amaze me. She is truly a talented card maker and designer. She will be greatly missed from the team.
Amy had this to say: Jayne has such a fabulous style and I love her use of color! It's so hard to pick just one favorite project that Jayne has designed but I love this one.
And Janette chose the same card! But for different reasons! This just shows that Jayne's projects inspire people in different ways.
I love the way Jayne thinks outside of the box. This card, created with Hero Arts Spiral Stencil, was an eye opener for me. I didn’t even see the stencil in a circular design. Here she’s mastered the circles in several sizes and a brilliant color palette! I love with another crafter provides an a-ha moment in my head! Keep creating, Jayne. Your talent knows no bounds! xo, Janette
Next up is Libby: I can honestly say that I love every single card Jayne makes. They are always stunning, and her attention to detail is fantastic. (And may I just add - she's a dream to work with!) But this one stands out as one of my absolutely favorites. Jayne had the clever idea to turn orchid stamps into cherry blossoms - so perfect!!
Jess chose her favorite: This is my favorite card in Jayne's Flickr feed but honestly I loved scrolling through the feed in general. Her use of unusual color palettes is masterful and her feed is so bright and cheery! I loved this card in particular because I loved the black and white with that pop of pink and orange. It's a beautiful take on the spotlight technique! I'll miss Jayne's bright and cheery creations! :)
Now on to Tami's choice: It has been an absolute pleasure to work with Jayne for more than two years. I appreciate her talent and the detail that she puts into her beautiful work. Most of all, I appreciate her kindness and thoughtfulness. She truly has a heart of gold. Jayne -- you will be missed. Thank you for everything!!
Lastly, from Jana: Jayne, you will be missed. Both of being an absolute joy to work with but also for your wonderful creations. I had a hard time choosing a favorite but I went way back to 2015 because this one struck me at the time and still does. I love simpler cards that take your breath away and this one did. I love the non-traditional colors and the design is sheer perfection. Thank you for all of you have done for Hero Arts. We will miss you.
Thank you Jayne for everything you have done for Hero Arts. We wish you the very best.
Thank-you so much for all of the very nice comments, today and in the past! Your kindness and continued encouragement have meant the world to me and I’ve loved the opportunity to share my love of everything Hero Arts with you!! A million thanks for your support!
Good Luck , Jayne!
Jayne has made such unique and clever projects that it has been fun to see what she creates! Best of luck!!
Will miss seeing Jayne’s creative designs. Thank you Jayne for sharing your work with us. It’s truly an inspiration.
Jayne, you truly are an amazingly talented papercrafter. You have such a knack for colour and design and for thinking outside the box. Thanks for sharing your creativity with us these past 2 years and hopefully we’ll see you around every now and then. Wishinhjng you all the best!!