May My Monthly Hero Countdown + Giveaway: Day 3
Hero Arts
It's already time for our final countdown peeks! The May My Monthly Hero Classic and Premium Kits will be available on Monday, May 6 at 1pm Eastern/10am Pacific. Be sure to mark your calendar or set an alarm – last month we had a quick sellout and these kits are limited in quantity. Now let's join the Creative Team for more fantastically festive and colorful kit inspiration! Let there be balloons...and of course, cake!

Project #7 created by Channin Pelletier (Premium)
Click HERE to visit her blog for more details.

Project #8 created by Jeannie Lieu (Classic)
Click HERE to visit her blog for more details.

Project #9 created by Michelle Short (Premium)
Click HERE to visit her blog for more details.

WIN A KIT BEFORE YOU CAN BUY IT: Just leave a comment on this (and every) Countdown to Creativity post. We’ll randomly draw one lucky winner from comments left across all countdown posts on the Hero Arts blog. The winner will be announced first thing Monday morning, May 6, before the kit launches at 10am Pacific. The more you comment, the more chances to win. Good luck!
Thank you for spending your time with us during the countdown. Come back tomorrow for the grand reveal!
Such beautiful cards…so many possible colour combinations!
The items used from the premium kit looks marvelous
All of these cards are full of creative inspiration. I am counting down the days until my box of crafting joy arrives in the mail.
A floral birthday cake? Gorgeous! And those shimmer sprays painted on add such a nice touch. I’m excited.
Happy Birthday Hero Arts!
These projects are so carefully planned out to make happy, bright cards. Thanks for the inspiration Great job!