Introducing our 2020 Creative Team!
Hero Arts
We've made a few wonderful additions to our Creative Team! We are thrilled and honored to share that these talented stampers will be working with us for the next six months!
Please be sure to follow their blogs and Instagram accounts!
Dana Joy (IG: @mzdanajoy)
Daniel West (IG: @delandartie)
Debi Adams (IG: @debi_adams)
Emily Midgett (IG: @eamidgett)
Ilina Crouse (IG: @ilinacrouse)
Lydia Fiedler (IG: @understandblue)
Maria Willis (IG: @cardbomb)
Michelle Short (IG: @thecardgrotto)
Mindy Eggen (IG: @mindyeggendesign)
Pocono Pam (IG: @pocono.pam)
Seeka (IG: @skypaperscissors)
Although they are not bloggers themselves, we are also extremely thankful to have Jayne Nelson, Kelly Rasmussen and Sally Traidman contributing to the Hero Arts blog.
Please be sure to give all of them a warm welcome, or a warm welcome back!
How beautiful and talented those people are ! Such a great team. Good choice Hero Arts. Congratulations and welcome to the new ones.
It is so nice to meet the members of your design team. I love your products and seeing who is responsible for making them is a treat. Thank you for all you do.
Yay and welcome
to the team!
Carla from Utah
Welcome ladies and gent. Waiting to see your lovely creations. Best of luck and Blessings to you and yours
Welcome to all! I do so enjoy your creations!