Some Anniversary Giveaway Winners!

Hero Arts

Hi everyone! With all of the the 45th Anniversary festivities and giveaways going on, we thought we'd pop in with our first round of prize winners from the celebration. We will continue to announce winners here every couple of weeks during the party, so keep checking back!

Drum roll....

1970s Flashback Friday ($25 Hero Arts gift card)
Sue Rodriguez: "I used to have a thing for rocking horses. One day at a craft section in a local food faire, I spotted a rocking horse stamp and had to have it. Then of course, I started stamping that little rocking horse onto everything; letters, cards, envelopes and even patient appointment cards at work. From that little stamp, purchased in the late 70’s, I am now a full blown stamper/paper crafter, 40 years strong!"

Summer Catalog Sneak Peek #1 ($25 Hero Arts gift card)
Mindy Drummond: "I am so excited to see the 'From the Vault' collection, what a great way to celebrate 45 years! The first sneak peek has me wanting it all already lol."

Summer Catalog Sneak Peek #2 ($25 Hero Arts gift card)
Lauren Z.: "Reactive inks are so great and I love those summery names you’ve chosen."

Summer Catalog Sneak Peek #3 ($25 Hero Arts gift card)
Denise Kitts-Wadlow: "I don’t have an anniversary die, and I can’t wait for the chance to lay my hands on this one. Thanks HA for always knowing just what we need, and happy 45th anniversary to you!!!"

Instagram Guess The Cover 1985 ($25 Hero Arts gift card)

Congratulations to our winners! Please send an email to to claim your prizes. Enjoy!

  • Terrie D.

    Congratulations to the winners!! :)

  • Stephanie B

    Congratulations to the winners!

  • Henriétte

    Congrats to all the winners!

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